Alcohol is firmly entrenched in our lives, and it is impossible to imagine without it the celebrations and festivities. Every man needs to know how much you can drink not to harm the health, and not suffer the hangover.

How to calculate a bespohmelnaya speed, alcohol
I would pay tribute to the tradition, the people at the table drink, and then during the holidays of the different alcoholic beverages. But everyone wants to avoid a hangover in the morning, the fajbiológia conservation. Regular consumption of spirits increases the alcohol addiction. Any matter to be a relatively safe speed of alcohol. There is a special formula, you can learn dose of disposable you drink, if you have guaranteed to be able to avoid the hangover: 1.5 ml of pure alcohol / 1 kg body weight. A fact Given that the vodka contains 40% alcohol, which can be a kind of alcohol drink a times 3.75 ml on 1 kg of weight. If booze can be extended by 4-5 hours of your time that can be dose of alcohol increased by 25%.
It is necessary to take into account the age and sex. Some of The older, the more difficult a test of the consequences of alcohol exposure. The speed, the two women times less than men. The presence of the different additives, dyes, fragrances, the increase of the alcohol syndrome, they are the side effects of such beverages will be stronger than the pure vodka. Are they any other conditions that the next can't be a hangover to avoid, even if you enforce a rule, pia:
- the mixing of different alcoholic beverages;
- reception, cocktails, strong alcohol, carbonated drinks;
- binge after a night without sleep;
- Smoking during drinking a spirits;
- drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, or fatty foods;
- failure to have a 20-25 minute break in between toast.
The best way to avoid hangover is moderation in drink.
Drink alcohol How much can a day without any harm to the body
When you use alcohol, the liver drops the big load due to the toxic ethanol. But a sensitive, to the alcohol in the human book, which starts an irreversible destruction of cells of constant drinking, an intoxicating. Neural A network is not able to recover until the next drink. If you don't know how much you're drinking vodka, and at what time interval, then the cause of discrimination damage to health.
Alcohol damage other human organs body, but can do a load a little better than the book publisher, and restoration is faster when a norm between observed drinking sufficient time. Limit healthy can a person with a processing alcohol alcohol pure 2.4 ml / 1 kg body weight / day given in a vodka – 6 ml. After the consumption of such a rule to take an 8 day break, to take a test back to normal.
How to drink alcohol without risk you can sleep
The appearance of alcohol dependence depends on not being a amount of alcohol consumed. To a greater degree caused by genetic predisposition, and psychological factors. Even people who drink a lot, if necessary, can long time without a drink. But a regular alcohol consumption of may cause addiction and provoke a strong addiction. A term is The "critical dose" is a maximum dose to people that may enjoy risking falls without the 2-3-th alcoholism stage is when a person loses control of the can will start to drink a severe hangover.
People who suspect that the alcohol addiction, you need to know at what stage it is. This is important, that a prevent because of the spread of disease, but at least they're definitely a level. That's why people remember to how much you need to drink a vodka that still do not fall lower, but shows the will to follow the rules, while still able to control himself. The volume of interest in growth of alcohol can lead to recklessness, it's hard to sing. People who consume moderately, and the balance of the 1-2 stage of alcoholism, drinking 100-300 grams of vodka 1 to 4 times a month. This is causing a bit of damage to the body an additional sliding alcohol dependence, which may occur, not knowing that in the drinker.
Doses for different types of alcohol
Any amount of ethyl alcohol hazardous to your health. You need to be careful, even if a drug consumption based on the alcohol, and abide by the rules of the admission. We can't ignore, no (in the words of the more resistant to ethanol), as well as forget about, health problems, and related diseases. Hypersensitive If not, that certain type of alcohol, the first thing you need to pay attention to the strong drink. The same amount of drinks have different content of ethyl-varieties change to a brand influence.
Drinks, which include a the expressive, tastes, as well as the different types of tastes, much more harm than good cognac or natural-just strong. Taking into account the individual characteristics of an organization, each person has their own levels of alcohol. Data is Not accurate, indicating how many people drink alcohol is always possible, but hard rules are the following: it is Impossible to prevent the mixing of the different types of alcohol, if this violates the rules, to the harmful effects of alcohol increase. Women are advised to drink in the words of a half dose. But a minimum daily allowance of spirits can lead to alcoholism, drink then if it occurs on a regular basis.
Who doesn't drink alcohol
They type of there are people who are contraindicated the use of any number of vodka for a bit:
- individuals with 2-3 stage of alcohol addiction;
- epilepsy;
- those who have suffered a concussion or head injury;
- irritable, aggressive, contradictory personality, which will lose control after drinking.
The people of the various diseases, to refrain from alcohol, exceptional as well as the cases just drink permission from the doctor.
Safe dose of alcohol: how much?
Can alcohol be beneficial?

Yes, if we talk about a heart attack, to the liver or renal colic. However, when there is no medication, you can use cognac or vodka – 1 tablespoon ezek one of the drinks, the relieves the vasospasm and improves the patient before the status of arrival, a "fast". Help me, small dose of alcohol is lower for people suffering from blood pressure: 1-2 tablespoons of cognac can lead to feelings of a person, low blood pressure. Arguing no One to have a beneficial effect on the human study has been changed to red wine. The fact that the skin of red grapes, grape seeds contain resveratrol – a natural compound does, which is a powerful antioxidant. Entry into the human test is a berries produced wine or this material can prevent the cardiovascular and oncology diseases, delays the age-related changes in the book publishing musculoskeletal system. In addition, the natural-just strong, improve digestion, prevent cholesterol deposition in the artery walls. Although the world health organization prohibits doctors recommend that patients on the drug, any alcoholic beverages. This is because only a small useful alcohol dose in a large quantity in dependence, the development of alcoholism.
What dose of alcohol is considered safe?
Recommendations are the same who consume people, not more than 40 g pure alcohol per day (2 bottles of beer, 100 ml of vodka or 3 glasses of wine turned). Mind the women's 30 grams of pure alcohol (1.5 bottles of beer or 80 grams of vodka, 2 glasses of wine turned). Assume That and that there's a day for 2 weeks, people will not accept that one drop of alcohol.
When an addiction?
Admit it, alcohol-dependence risk units. Most people think that I don't drink, but can a person drink a bottle of beer a day, but the day, and the other to drink rarely, but strongly. Which have problems with alcohol? The world health organization knows the answer to this question. Experts distinguish Who four the form of alcohol consumption.
Safe form. This is when you drink a man not more than 210 ml (for men), and 135 ml (woman) is a pure alcohol a week. During the day the amount of alcohol exceed a safe dose: 40 ml (for men), and 30 ml of ethanol (women).
Threat in the form of. This is when a person exceeds the safe dose and does not correspond to the system with a sober. Doctors warn that such an attitude to alcohol man risks the future, become addicted to the alcohol as a "bonus" to the associated diseases, excessive consumption of strong alcoholic beverages (liver cirrhosis, peptic ulcer, anemia, heart failure, etc.).
Consumption of harmful consequences. This is when a person drinks (continuous consumption of alcohol more than 2 days), I feel an irresistible desire to nip. But the most typical symptom is that it is a form of loss of control over a number of drinks. This is a person loses the sense of proportion, that's why more and more often to get drunk as a skunk. A third form of the use of alcoholic beverages is considered addiction is a no, but the book publisher, and the internal organs drinking substantial extent worn out.
Alcoholism. This form is characteristic of alcohol is a permanent failure, who gave up alcohol a name I haven't the health. In this section, a variable form of an intoxication, for example, before people are drunk fun, go to sleep, but most of it was an aggressive form of behavior. The dose of alcohol to consume in a day multiply.
Drink moderately, how much?
— I don't mind if people have 70-100 grams of vodka a day. But we don't know 70-100 grams. If you don't need a liter of pour liquor in a time. Mind your health, to not. It is therefore necessary that the European get used to version, the wine consumption. This is useful if you have a glass or two a day of wine drinking, but it's the quality, — said the head of state.
70 grams of vodka or a glass of wine or less daily many? Who believes that the consumption of more than 8 liters of pure alcohol a year, threatening not only the health of lead but to the degradation of society. 70 grams of vodka and 28 ml (22 g) is a pure alcohol. If the year to drink the "one day", then a little more than 5 litres of pure alcohol per year — that's under the "red line" the who by. C, a glass of wine a day (125 ml of wine, 15 ml (12 g) is a pure alcohol) per year less mint 3 liters of alcohol. But mint usually, in different countries, alcohol consumption is a significant health risks are not considered to be weekly or daily — and can be very different.
It is true that wine is safer than spirits?
Numerous studies show that the relationship between the moderate consumption of alcohol reduced the risk of developing various diseases. For example, you may hear that a moderate consumption of red wine reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. But maybe a heart red wine is better than beer or white wine, or spirituous, — noted in the clinic , one of the largest private medical research centers in the world. — There is still no clear evidence that the wine red other types of alcohol, when a potential benefits of a heart. It is important to Understand that the investigation, in which the moderate drinkers with those who don't drink, overestimate the benefits of alcohol. The fact that nondrinkers may already have health problems, that's why I stopped drinking. More research is needed before we can say that a red wine, a heart is better than other types of alcohol. If, for example, a wine is resveratrol in things, that's a grape, grape juice, don't drink alcohol, although the science a question is not sufficiently investigated.
The professionals one of the centres of control and prevention of diseases, a clear answer to the question: "is it True that drinking wine or beer safer than spirits?". No. A bottle of beer 0.33 l contains the same amount of alcohol as a glass of wine is 150 ml or 50 ml of vodka. A amount of consumed alcohol that affects the health of more than type of alcohol. In general, the latest recommendations clearly say: I don't need to drink, or drink, often with a thought that it's good for your health.
What do the experts say?
Benefit from a preference, wine, vodka, is highly questionable, — said Konstantin Minkevich, psychiatrist-1, narcologist. rating category, the Director and the doctor — any one had an effect, all alcoholic beverages due to the presence of the composition, ethyl-Financial analysis, this is the same wine, beer, vodka. So, what does it matter that the drink is not, but the amount and frequency of use. Currently, the world health organization takes a rather radical views, alcohol consumption, mint research data show that it is completely safe alcohol dose not exist, not to mention some health benefits. Therefore, the statement that "a glass or two of wine a day is beneficial" is simply not true. I don't want to fall virtuous, or extraordinary measures, but it is important to understand that everyone, without exception, who consume alcohol, potentially endangered, alcohol addiction. The risk factors for a disease of the formation of the regular use of small doses of weaker alcoholic drinks like beer or wine. Safe dose of alcohol does not take place, said the chief psychiatrist of the ministry Of health Ivan Chorzow: "we are talking about, minimum harmful dose, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism."